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Sunday, July 02, 2006 :::

i'm suffering from camp withdrawal symptoms again! i can remember myself so vividly last year after arts camp, i was so high i cheered to myself in the shower for days! but this year, the withdrawal symptoms are not in the form of cheers, but of nostalgia as i recall the 5 days i spent with my OG.

it is certainly different coming for arts camp as a freshman and as part of the organising committee. it is definitely more fun as a freshmen, to enjoy the camp fully and to bond with other freshmen friends. being part of the o comm is so hard. the responsibilites are hard to bear, especially when it involves drawing ourselves away from time with the OG. yet, it was to provide this batch of freshmen with the kind of fun i had last year that i chose to commit myself to these responsibilities. arts camp changed my life! hahaha!

i'm so glad and impossibly relieved that war games turned out well beyond what i expected. right up to the minute the mike was passed to me, i had no idea how war games might turn out. i had the games planned out, had the logistics laid out, had the manpower properly sent out, but had no idea of the effect when all these are put together. but when i saw the houses cheering incessantly and i had no way to stop them from cheering and cheering, i knew exactly what i was working so hard for =)

i see myself in the freshies; being happy just to run around and get orcales and pills/spirits. my world completely turned the first time an OG cheered for me for spirits. i can't articulate the feeling i experienced. it was exactly the same song that my OG did last year; the song that gained us many many pills. and now i'm the one in the center awarding the spirits to them. if there was a list of things to do before i pass on, i already have this ticked out =)

i already lost my paper plate, but i have read the messages and they mean so much to me. thanks to everyone who made all these possible!

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::: posted by Richard Wan at 12:04 AM

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